Showing posts with label work space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work space. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Crop Room

In my effort to make my house (and life) more efficient, I have moved my crop room (again!). I have used it a few times now since I've put it into it's current configuration and I think I like it. There is always something more to do, but it works for me for right now. Here are some pictures. I had a free crop today for my customers, a Workshop on the Go class on Thursday and my hubby took a photo of me after I set the room up (I just had to test it out!). The space is such that I can work while my son plays or watches a movie or I can have up to 6 people in the room with kids or if all the kids will be outside or upstairs, I can have A LOT more guests. Check it out and if you are interested in coming to a crop, check out my Events tab for upcoming dates - hope to see you soon!

Crop Room is set up for 4 guests plus myself to teach.
More pictures after the jump...