Monday, January 31, 2011

New projects coming soon!

In preperation for the winter storm coming tonight, I joined the rest of the county at Walmart and bought the required supplies for the next few days: baking soda and a digital camera! I still have all the milk, eggs and bread from the last storm but I ran out of things to do this week with a two year-old who doesn't like to sled (seriously!) The baking soda will be used to make enough play dough to keep the little man busy while I work to upload some much needed photos to this blog! Even though my technology has been uncooperative, I have been very busy in my craft room working hard to produce some artwork to share with you. With this new purchase, I will have lots of new photos in place in the next few days so make sure to check back - or Follow me so you know when I update. See you soon!

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