Saturday, December 1, 2012

Advent Day One

If you missed yesterday's post, I am trying to teach my 4 year old son the true meaning of Christmas. I am choosing to do Amanda White's "Truth in the Tinsel" ebook. I like it so far and my son was able to complete the craft but, unfortunately, I chose a hard-to-understand version of the Bible to read to him. I guess I'll be out looking for a kid-friendly version on my errands today! After we made it through the story (to stop for every "shalt" and "wilt" to explain what "shalt" and "wilt" mean) we moved on to making the ornament. The first ornament is a light catcher in the outline of a candle to represent Jesus as the Light in the darkness.

If you would like to follow along (or to just check out the book for your family) click the link below (or to the right) to visit Amanda's website where you can download a copy for yourself.

Merry Christmas!

Truth in the Tinsel.

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